all postcodes in BR2 / KESTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR2 8AA 37 3 51.389873 0.056786
BR2 8AB 22 0 51.389733 0.055041
BR2 8AD 39 1 51.388664 0.050868
BR2 8AE 29 0 51.388802 0.053749
BR2 8AF 27 0 51.38886 0.053047
BR2 8AG 31 0 51.390748 0.043285
BR2 8AH 17 0 51.389308 0.047461
BR2 8AJ 22 0 51.389145 0.045471
BR2 8AL 14 1 51.389815 0.045227
BR2 8AN 34 0 51.390743 0.047712
BR2 8AP 28 4 51.390257 0.045161
BR2 8AQ 9 0 51.390088 0.044003
BR2 8AR 28 10 51.389883 0.049586
BR2 8AS 29 0 51.389685 0.0511
BR2 8AT 27 9 51.390276 0.05127
BR2 8AU 25 0 51.391573 0.053686
BR2 8AW 23 0 51.390706 0.048271
BR2 8AX 20 0 51.393444 0.052677
BR2 8AY 31 0 51.391857 0.054486
BR2 8AZ 14 0 51.3934 0.054113